Dean of Mechanical Engineering Department, TU/e
Eindhoven University of Technology
Professor dr. LPH (Philip) de Goey studied physics at the RU in Nijmegen and did his PhD in physics in Eindhoven. He then moved to Mechanical Engineering in 1990, where he was assistant professor, associate professor (1996) and full professor (2000) and finally also dean of department (2011). He was visiting professor at RWTH Aachen (1999) and at BIT (since 2011), where he is appointed as leading scientist of China’s 111 program. He is member of many boards and organisations, for instance, he is member of the board of directors of the Combustion Institute (since 2002) and secretary of the executive committee of the board of the Combustion Institute. He is editor of several journals and was co-editor-in-chief of the Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. He received several awards, under which the prestigious Simon Stevin Meester Award 2010, the highest award in technical sciences in the Netherlands (500.000 euro).
Research Interest
Combustion science, technology and innovations, laminar and turbulent flames, reacting flows, thermodynamics and heat/mass transfer.